By Barry Carlyon

Twitch Predicts: The Game Awards

Join your community in predicting whom you think will win The Game Awards 2023.

You and your community can predict all the way up to the live show, and check out whom is right when the Live Show happens live from The Peacock Theater, Los Angeles! (December 8th 12:30am GMT / December 7th 8:30pm ET/5:30pm PT)

Check out your Community and the Global Leaderboards to se how you compare and whom predicted right on the day!

Active Channels Yesterday


Active Channels This Week


Unique Viewers Yesterday

Total Unique Viewers


Get the Extension

  • Install the Extension. Current Version: 1.1.3
  • Click continue
  • The extension is available to ONLY the component slot (and mobile users), so pick one of your Component slots (you have 2) and away you go
  • After some people from your community have voted, you can check out your Community Leaderboard via the Configuration View


The configuration view for the Extension (Click here -> My Extensions and then the Cog for "Twitch Predicts: The Game Awards"), will present two leaderboards

Your Community (this may be blank if no viewers voted yet) and the Global Leaderboard showing you all of Twitch

These will update every 30 seconds or so

Chat Badges

There are two chat badges that go with the extension

You’ve completed all categories of the 2023 Twitch Predicts: The Game Awards extension!

You created a full bracket of predictions

You've predicted the entire 2023 Game Awards perfectly, here is a special gift for your work. Go ahead, show it off!

Your bracket is 100% correct

You need to have created your bracket by December 7th 7:29pm ET / 4:29pm PT

Badges will be distributed the following days after the initial broadcast of The Game Awards on December 7th.

Check the Twitch Blog for Details

Known Issues

  • All is well in the world!


  • Q. Is this ACTUALLY voting for the Game Awards?
  • A. No, this is just a viewer "pickums"/prediction "game". To actually Cast a Vote in the Game Awards visit
  • Q. What even are The Game Awards
  • A. You can find out more about The Game Awards on the Official site. And Watch the Live Show from from The Peacock Theater, Los Angeles, on December 7th over on The Game Awards or your favourite CoStreamer on all Platforms
  • Q. I can't predict?
  • A. The 2023 Game Awards are done check the winners at Official site, or in the Extension.

The Extension in Action

A random group from whom is live, pop in and create your bracket TODAY, or suggest the extension to your favourite streamer